Dogs can’t eat cats, but they often try to eat cat food. This creates a common problem for pet owners. Cat food has more protein than dog food. 1 It smells good to dogs, making them want to eat it.

Our team of vets and pet experts knows the risks of dogs eating cat food. Regular consumption can cause nutrient imbalances and digestive issues in dogs. 3 This article explains why dogs shouldn’t eat cat food and how to prevent it.

Key Takeaways

  • Dogs can’t eat cats, but they often try to eat cat food due to its high protein content.
  • Cat food has up to 30% more meat-based protein than dog food and lacks nutrients dogs need.
  • Feeding dogs cat food can cause weight gain, digestive issues, and nutrient imbalances.
  • Cats need at least 26% of their diet from protein and can’t make taurine on their own.
  • Keep dogs away from cat food by using separate feeding areas and training them to “leave it.

Nutritional Differences Between Dog and Cat Food

A cat and dog are eating from separate food bowls in a cozy kitchen.

Cat food has more protein than dog food. It also has special nutrients that cats need but dogs don’t.

Higher protein content in cat foodCat food packs more protein than dog food. It has up to 30% more meat-based protein. This extra protein comes from fresh chicken meat. Fresh meat gives more soluble protein and key amino acids. 1 These amino acids help cats grow and stay healthy. Dogs don’t need as much protein as cats do. Feeding dogs cat food can upset their stomachs. 2 It may also cause weight gain or other health issues.

Essential nutrients specific to cats

Cats need special nutrients that dogs don’t. Their bodies can’t make enough taurine, a key amino acid. Without it, cats can have heart and eye problems. Cats also need more protein than dogs.

They must get at least 26% of their diet from protein. 4

Felines require specific vitamins too. They can’t turn beta-carotene into vitamin A like dogs can. Cats must eat vitamin A directly from their food. Arginine is another must-have for cats.

It helps them get rid of toxic ammonia in their bodies. Cats also need certain minerals like calcium and zinc for good health. 3

Cats are obligate carnivores, requiring a diet high in animal protein to thrive.

Risks of Feeding Cat Food to Dogs

Feeding cat food to dogs can lead to serious health issues. Dogs may face nutritional imbalances and digestive problems from eating cat chow.

Potential for nutritional imbalances

Dogs need a balanced diet to stay healthy. Cat food lacks key nutrients dogs require. It has too much protein and fat for dogs. This can lead to weight gain and health issues over time. 5 Dogs may miss out on vital vitamins and minerals they need. Their bodies can’t process cat food properly. This mismatch can cause digestive problems and nutrient deficiencies. Experts warn against feeding dogs cat food regularly. 6 It’s not made for their unique dietary needs. Stick to dog-specific food for optimal health and nutrition.

Risk of gastrointestinal issues and pancreatitis

Cat food poses serious risks to dogs. It can cause gastrointestinal upset, leading to vomiting and diarrhea. More dangerously, it may trigger pancreatitis – a painful inflammation of the pancreas.

Small dogs face a higher risk of these issues.

Regular cat food consumption can lead to health issues such as obesity, pancreatitis, liver problems, and kidney issues. 7

Signs of pancreatitis include stomach pain, loss of appetite, and lethargy. If a dog shows these symptoms after eating cat food, owners should call a vet right away. Quick action can prevent worse health problems. 5

How to Prevent Dogs from Eating Cat Food

Keeping dogs away from cat food needs smart planning. Set up separate feeding spots and train your pup to stay out of the cat’s area.

Strategies for separate feeding areas

Separate feeding areas keep dogs from eating cat food. Pet owners can set up distinct spaces for each animal. Cats can eat on high surfaces like tables or washing machines. Dogs stay on the ground.

This method uses natural habits to create boundaries. 9Smart feeders offer another solution. These devices open only for the right pet. They use microchips to know which animal approaches. This tech keeps food safe and pets healthy. It stops food theft between species. 8Tips for training and supervision

Training dogs to stay away from cat food takes time and patience. Owners can use the “leave it” command to teach their pets to ignore tempting treats. 9 This skill helps dogs resist cat food and other off-limits items.

Supervision is key during mealtimes. Pet parents should feed cats and dogs in separate rooms or at different times. 9 They can also place cat food bowls on high surfaces out of the dog’s reach. 10 Consistent rules and rewards reinforce good behavior over time.


Dogs should not eat cat food. It lacks key nutrients dogs need. Cat food can upset a dog’s stomach. Keep cat food out of reach. Feed dogs their own food for good health.

Discover more interesting feeding habits by exploring whether squirrels eat dog food as well.


1. Can dogs really eat cats?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat cats. It’s not natural or safe. Dogs are omnivores, but cats aren’t part of their diet. If you’re worried your dog might hunt cats, train them not to.

2. Is it okay for dogs to eat cat food?

While not toxic, cat food isn’t good for dogs. It’s high in protein and fats cats need, but dogs don’t. A diet of cat food can cause upset stomachs and other health issues in dogs.

3. What happens if my dog ate cat food?

If your dog ate a little cat food, they’ll likely be fine. But eating lots can lead to tummy troubles. Watch for signs like vomiting or diarrhea. If these happen, call your vet.

4. Are there common foods toxic to dogs?

Yes, some human foods are dangerous for dogs. Chocolate has theobromine, which can cause serious harm. Grapes, onions, and avocados (which have persin) are also bad. Always check before sharing food with your pup.

5. How can I keep my dog from eating cat food?

Put cat food where dogs can’t reach it. Feed cats and dogs separately. Use different feeding times. Train your dog to leave the cat’s bowl alone. Consistency is key in dog training.

6. What’s the difference between dog and cat food?

Cat food has more protein and fat than dog food. Cats are carnivores, while dogs are omnivores. Dog food has a mix of proteins, carbs, and veggies for a balanced diet. Each pet needs its own food for the best health.


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